We're also hoping to do this thing up in a few languages. To accomplish this I'll need to enlist the help of some beautiful past foreign exchange students and, perhaps, a few ex-pats here in Taiwan. Altogether, I'm counting on readers from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Thailand, France, Russia, Germany, Spain, the American South, England, a few other parts of England, Indonesia and even as far afield as Ohio! This might seem like a bit too much, but the implementation would be rather easy. Just choose from among the different speakers; select between English, Native Tongue and Both; then you're off! All's I need is a few head shots and a brief bio from each participant--in addition to the recordings, of course. Is anyone going to get paid? I'll promise payment only after a successful trial run. If this thing gets wings I can send them some kickbacks, too.
So while brother Daniel sweats away over the old Photoshop I'm hatching more and more unlikely ventures.
Let's please focus on increasingly likely venues for now bud. (;