
We've signed a musician on to the project!! The illustrious Julia Dreyer will be contributing a musical score about "The Little Red Bird"! This music will be used in our promotion video on kickstarter as well as the interactive reader app we will construct with the funds raised there!

Here's a link to a song Julia made for kids in about 2 hours: River Song
I can't wait to see what The Little Red Bird will sound like!!

Here's a video Jordan made with his kids which features Julia's music. His class is "singing" over it, so it's a bit hard to hear, but it gives you an idea of what Julia can do. The song that starts at about 4:40 is probably close to what we'll get. Kids love it!


  1. Awesome Dan!!! Just change the Dreyer BOTHERS and you'll be set. THat is hilarious no offense.

  2. I rather like it. I feel like it's sort of an awesome team title. I guess if people see it as just a typo though that's no good.
